My Copper Toxicity // Copper IUD Story

by Kirby Amour

“For me while I was copper toxic my entire life when I had a copper IUD put in it pushed my body farther than it could handle and started to take over almost every function in my body. Within months of having the IUD placed I went from having normal periods to heavy, painful, and overly emotional episodes starting 10 days before I would bleed. Then the anger and fight or flight started. At this point in my life I knew something was wrong already and had moved to California to see one of the countries best doctors to try and solve the mystery. I was tired, my hair had started falling out, I was gaining weight like I had never done before (specifically around my belly) and really just felt like something was off. So many blood tests and a surgery to remove my tonsils and glands later and no definitive answer. I ate super healthy and worked out like a beast post my surgery thinking maybe years of traveling on the road in the music industry could have been the cause so I tried my absolute best to get healthy. Nothing seemed to work.”

“Thankfully the doctor I met with and explained everything to said….most often she would remove the IUD and the symptoms would do away. *MIND BLOWN* As she was a NHS doctor she couldn’t tell me why this was happening and knows that all the literature says the copper IUD is safe but could only tell me what she was seeing with her own patients and asked if she could take mine out. UH, yes! So I had the evil little thing removed that day.“

“I’m writing my story here because there’s so little information online right now about what it is like to live with copper toxicity and how it can literally rob you of your life. I’m hoping if I share my story I can help others not lose years of being connected with the world around them like I did. If me sharing this helps even one woman it’s worth it. “