My experience with COPPER TOXICITY

By Jessica - The Copper IUD
January 3, 2015

“I started this blog so that I could share my experience with the Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD) and copper toxicity so that other women are more informed about the potential risks of this form of birth control.”

“I was told by the gynecologist who inserted the IUD that it was possible I would experience some heavier and slightly longer periods, as well as some initial discomfort from the insertion process. Other than that, I was not warned of any other potential side effects, nor were they listed in the patient pamphlet. I had the IUD inserted on September 16, 2014; other than some cramping (it felt like the cramps on the first day of my period) everything seemed fine. I went to work that afternoon with the help of a couple of Advil's.”

“On the night of September 27, 2014, I woke up about an hour after falling asleep feeling very strange. I could feel a strong tingling sensation in the back of my head, neck and down my spine. My brain felt very foggy and confused. It's very hard to explain the sensation, but it could be described as derealisation - I felt like nothing around me was real, as if I was in a dream state. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I felt very light-headed, as if I might pass out, and my vision was blurry. My heart was beating rapidly and I was experiencing heart palpitations; my heartbeat was irregular and would 'skip' beats.”

This went on for nearly two weeks - two very scary and confusing weeks for me. By this time, the sensation of 'brain fog' was with me all the time  - what I mean by this is that my thoughts were very jumpy, I felt like I was slipping away from reality and I was extremely forgetful. I did not feel like myself at all. At work, I was constantly making mistakes. I was experiencing constant chest pain, acid reflux and pain in my joints and muscles, which made working on my feet extremely difficult. The muscles in my neck got so tight that there was faint bruising.”

“About two days after taking the IUD out, I could feel my head start to clear for the first time. It would come and go in waves, but it was the first time I could feel any improvement to my condition. After about a week, the tingling sensation started to go away. In the weeks that followed, I felt better and worse in waves that lasted a couple of days each. It has been 3 months since the IUD was taken out and I am feeling a lot better.”

I can remember when I was frantically searching the internet for an answer what I most would have wanted to hear - that is, that it will be okay again. It might take a little while, but your body will detox and you will feel like yourself again. You are not crazy and you are not alone. I hope that through my experience other women can become more aware of the possible side effects of the Copper IUD and the dangers of copper toxicity; and may be able to make more informed choices about their bodies and their health. “