“What are the most common copper IUD side effects and complications?

The most common side effects of the copper IUD are heavier, more painful periods, and spotting in between periods. The heavier bleeding experienced by some women may lead to other issues, such as anemia. Other possible complications are IUD expulsion or migration, uterine or pelvic organ perforation/penetration, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Although pregnancy is rare with an IUD, if one occurs, it is likely to be ectopic.

Lesser-known side effects are copper allergy symptoms or copper toxicity/copper poisoning. Reports of copper toxicity are largely anecdotal, without scientific and/or peer-reviewed evidence to date. Symptoms of copper toxicity can include headaches, fatigue, nausea, depression, irritability, cravings, mood swings, and brain fog, among many other side effects. Although rare, copper toxicity symptoms can be alarming and severe; if you experience any of these symptoms while on the copper IUD, consult your physician immediately, and do not be afraid to advocate for your health. “

“Can you get copper toxicity from the copper IUD? 

While there are no large-scale studies confirming that copper toxicity is a possible side effect for women who use the copper IUD (except for those who have a preexisting condition like Wilson’s disease, and Healthline notes that women with preexisting liver disease, hepatitis, anemia, thyroid issues, leukemia, lymphoma, and/or rheumatoid arthritis may also be at risk), anecdotal evidence of the mood-altering effects (often attributed to copper toxicity) of the copper IUD abounds.”