The Calcium Shell

"As excess copper and calcium increase in the cells and tissues, a calcium "shell" will build that will tend to block more and more feelings until the person no longer is aware of what is being felt and experienced. Such a person often talks of "not feeling anything" or being "numb" and "dead" emotionally. As the calcium shell builds, a person's perception and awareness diminish.  The overall psychological effect of excess copper is a loss of emotional control and awareness accompanied by diminished feelings and numbness." 
Dr. Rick Malter, Ph.D.

"My desk has a stack of HTMA's of women ranging from their 20's to their 70's who are copper toxic, with calcium shells. Their lives have been devastated and no one has been able to explain to them why." 
Abdul Saad, 
Clinical Psychologist

“One of the symptoms of copper toxicity that can result at higher levels is a calcium shell. Physically, the calcium shell is excess soft tissue calcium that forms a 'shell' around the outside of the cell, slowing down nutrients from entering and exiting. The psychological effects are just as important to understand. In most cases, a very high level of calcium on an HTMA is a result of copper imbalance. The stress caused by rising bio-unavailable copper in the body allows calcium to rise as a form of defence against the stress. A calcium level above 165mg% is indicative of the calcium shell pattern.  ​ It creates a numbing, deadening effect along with apathy, withdrawal, and rigidity. The calcium shell dulls the emotional response, while also slowing the previously racing mind down, giving the individual a sense of normalcy, though in reality it may not be a sign of healthy improvement.”
-Rick Fischer