Copper Toxicity IUD Stories

"The best website overview of copper toxicity that Dr Malter has seen in 30 years!"

“"I wish there were more awareness regarding this. I cant believe all the doctors I brought this up to brushed it off and smirked about it. People are really suffering." ~Sash 

"I have had the IUD for two years.  I don't want to have sex at all. I never think or even want it. It's not that I don't love my husband. I think something is wrong. I easily experience mood swings even when I am not PMS. I have been dieting on a low fat vegan diet. I have a hard time concentration and I just feel like I get worse and worse and I am pushing my husband away. My marriage is falling apart." ~anonymous

"A big part of the side effects for me was feeling numb toward my fiancé, depression, and constant guilt. I felt guilty all the time for not "feeling the love" toward him. However, one night I finally opened up to him about how I felt, and that was the first step of recovery for me. It would be difficult for your fiance to see the connection if she hasn't compared her experience with other women's. I was completely lost and convinced that I was losing (or had completely lost) the love for my fiancé." ~Jennifer  

"Broke up with my boyfriend because of the mental issues that the Paragard caused and almost lost him completely." ~Tamara”