Why the Copper IUD Is Not the Natural Birth Control You’ve Been Looking For

Hormone-free doesn’t mean side effect-free

“Among the commonly understood side effects of the copper IUD are periods that are initially heavier and longer, which may take up to a year to regulate. Other copper IUD side effects include pelvic inflammatory disease, backache, and pain during sex. A more rare, but extremely serious complication, is when the device may become stuck in the uterus or move through the wall of the uterus causing infection, scarring, or damage to other organs.

Further, the copper IUD can cause copper toxicity, or excess copper in the body. Excess copper can create symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, depression, irritability, cravings, mood swings, brain fog, among many others.”

“…..the copper content in the IUD may present too much for some women depending on their biochemical makeup. Copper is a nutrient mineral, but it needs to be in the body in the right proportions to other minerals like iron or zinc. Introducing extra copper into the body can throw off the balance and create problems.”

“Copper toxicity from the IUD is a rare, but serious side effect

Although the copper IUD doesn’t release hormones, it does in fact alter biochemistry in the body. As mentioned, copper levels are proven to increase in the body after IUD insertion, and considering other environmental factors (such as having copper pipes in the home) and dietary choices, the IUD could be the thing that puts someone over a healthy copper level.

As it happens, this can affect a woman’s hormones. Dr. Izabella Wentz, author of Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back, wrote, “copper is considered a less toxic heavy metal but has been associated with sabotaging thyroid function.” The thyroid—which has significant impact on our reproductive hormones—can be damaged by copper. So, while some tout the copper IUD as the hormone-free option, using it creates a risk of damaging the part of the body that regulates our natural hormones!”

“One woman described her physical and emotional side effects on Facebook: “these are most of the symptoms I had before getting the IUD removed…. I just want people to be aware that heavy metal toxicity is real and what to watch for. This is something your doctor will not tell you about. Fatigue and exhaustion; hypothyroid; brain fog; headaches; migraines; mood swings; cold hands/feet; depression; dry skin; constipation; racing/pounding heart; concentration and memory [problems]; spaciness; overeating; high anxiety; PMS; bloating. I’ve lost so much hair, it just fell out in globs. Also developed pulmonary hypertension, which is rare and can be caused by excess copper in the blood, while having the IUD.”