Recovering from the IUD Revisited

“It's now been almost five and a half years since I had my Paragard IUD removed and I have been greatly improved for the majority of that time. Still, there have been some issues that have either persisted or not been fully resolved until very recently! It feels like a great time to write a detailed update to my last “Recovering from the IUD Update” from so many years ago.

I had a copper Paragard IUD for a total of 10 months; so some of the things listed here are copper specific; however hormonal IUDs can cause copper imbalances and copper IUDs can cause hormonal imbalances. We have a lot more in common than what is different.

After spending more than five years administrating an IUD Side Effects Support Group on Facebook, I am completely convinced that even though we might get there by different paths, we all ultimately end up in the same general state of being out of balance.

Here’s a simple list of what I see as the easiest and most important things to do as soon as possible post removal of any kind of IUD.”