The Mirena Detox Book

“I was feeling depressed and sad most of the time. I had no interest in sex whatsoever, and my relationship with my husband started to suffer. I was yelling at my kids for no reason, and was no longer a fun person to be around. I turned into a bitch.

I knew in my heart that the Mirena had something to do with this. Before I had it inserted, I felt great and was completely healthy. So, I did some research online. I found that thousands of other women had similar experiences to mine with the Mirena and its side effects. I was certain that the Mirena was behind all of my problems, and I had it removed immediately.

At that point, I lost all trust in doctors, pharmaceutical drugs, and our medical system. I was so angry and furious that I was misled into harming my body so severely. I decided to take responsibility for my own health and cure myself. “