Methylation Issues (like MTHFR or other causes)

ABOUT High Copper/Low zinc

“This can be a common finding when you have an MTHFR defect (or other methylation snps)—a high level of copper, which will conversely mean your zinc levels will fall. And since the ratio of these two metals is highly important, correcting the problem is crucial, since high copper can be related to hyperactivity, depression, fearful ruminating thoughts, headaches, acne, frequent colds due to lowered immunity, ensitive skin and/or bruising, worsening hypothyroid, adrenal stress and more.

High copper can also make it difficult to raise iron levels, or keep those levels where they should be.

Vitamin C is known to help lower high levels of copper via detoxing, but patients report they need to go low and slow to tolerate the detoxing. Zinc is also used the same way—to encourage the lowering of copper, but the same caution with detoxing applies.

Lawrence Wilson, MD recommends a nutritional approach to correcting the imbalance: remove IUD’s, avoid high copper foods like chocolate, seeds and avocados, avoid stress and more.

Work with your doctor.”