Mirena IUD, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Silicone Toxicity

Mirena & Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Blog

“In April 2012, my OB/GYN said it was time to start thinking about another form of birth control -- one without estrogen. …. She said the IUD was making a come back. …. I also checked with my cardiologists, showed him the materials, and he said, okay to get Mirena.

On April 15, 2012, I had the IUD inserted and I stopped my birth control pill.  My body IMMEDIATELY went crazy, and that's an understatement. The fatigue, the pain, the chills, the mood swings (I was severely depressed and could barely wake up and think on a daily basis).  It felt like my body was attacking itself. It got progressively worse…. My boyfriend made me go to the emergency room.  In the ER i was diagnosed with severe inflammatory joint disorder (every joint in my body was swollen and hurt to the touch).    The ER doctors suspected RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). “

“I asked every doctor i had about the IUD and YAZ connection to my recent issues and pain and inflammation.  Every doctor said "not a chance" and "it's difficult to link a causal relationship between the YAZ/IUD and your recent issues because anything can set off an auto immune disease...."  

Okay, fine.  My instinct and common sense told me:

1. I stopped yaz and got the IUD and IMMEDIATELY my body went crazy

2. Within a few weeks, as I got worse each day, a hike sent me into some point of no return

3. I had serious inflammation and pain throughout my entire body and i don't think it's s coincidence that this all started THE DAY i got the MIRENA IUD INSERTED....”

“The day I got my blood test for silicone serum, is the day I got the IUD removed, in fact, I had it removed two hours after i had my blood drawn.  I immediately started "feeling better."  I can only say i feel more normal, my boyfriend said "you are acting normal again"....  I still, however, have joint pain. I"m still on steroids.  I'm still taking methotrexate and I want to DETOX from the silicone”

“As it stands today, I don't know if the Mirena IUD and the cessation of my YAZ kicked off an auto immune disease (in this case i'm told i have RA), or if i truly have silicone toxicity and when i detox and get all silicone out of my body, my pain and inflammation will disappear. “