Kyleena IUD Caused Severe Pain & Hair Loss

This story was sent via Facebook Messenger and asked to be shared:

"I had a Kyleena IUD inserted in April 2021. At the time, I was a 26 year old female, nulliparous. I was working the day of my IUD insertion. I am an ultrasound technologist by profession. I went to my insertion appointment and did not know what to expect. A resident doctor did my initial pelvic exam before the IUD insertion.

I was given zero medication or information to prepare for the insertion. The pain was so extreme upon insertion that I actually passed out for a few minutes and upon regaining consciousness, I felt like I was going to vomit. I was in misery for the rest of the day and multiple days after. The pain never stopped the entire time I had the IUD. I tried to wait and give it a fair chance. I had it inside me for 8 months.

I begged the doctor on several occasions to remove it for me and she wouldn't. My menstrual cramps were never so sharp in my life. I have a high pain tolerance and I would be keeled over, paralyzed in pain, feeling like I was going to pass out. I dealt with this for 8 months. Being an ultrasound tech, I was able to scan myself and see that the IUD was perfectly in place. Even while perfectly situated, it was absolutely excruciating to deal with. My hair was falling out in large amounts also.

I would never recommend getting one and I will never get another one. It was probably the worst I've ever felt in my life during those 8 months that I had it."