The Pros and Cons of the Hormonal IUD (Mirena, Kyleena, and Skyla)

By Lara Briden
May 19, 2021

“Cons of the hormonal IUD:

Hormonal IUDs release the contraceptive drug levonorgestrel, which is not progesterone, and which (according to new research) affects the entire body, not just the uterus. Possible side effects of levonorgestrel include acne, hair loss, hirsutism, depression, anxiety, headaches, yeast infections, weight gain, and breast changes. (Interestingly, the copper IUD can also cause anxiety which suggests that the side effect could be the result of something anatomical such as an adverse vagal nerve response to the IUD or the string.)

Hormonal IUDs cause ovarian cysts in 5 percent of users.

Hormonal IUDs can damage the vaginal microbiome and increase the risk of yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Hormonal IUDs suppress ovulation some of the time.”

“Hormonal IUDs can cause irregular bleeding and spotting
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“Insertion might be painful. But just to clarify: IUD is an in-office procedure that takes just a few minutes—it’s not surgery. “
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“Hormonal IUDs can come out. “
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“Hormonal IUDs carry a small risk of uterine perforation, “
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“Hormonal IUDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) “
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“Hormonal IUDs must be removed by a doctor.

Hormonal IUDs cannot protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Is it okay to suppress periods?

Hormonal IUDs suppress bleeding, which raises the question: “Is it okay to suppress periods?””
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