My Hair Loss Story – How Did I Get Here?

from the Comments:
“Hello, I need help/advice. I recently got the IUD Mirena and just the last week or so I started to notice I was losing chuncks of hair after I washed or brushed my hair. Then this passed weekend I noticed I missing a lot of hair in the front and you can really see my white scalp! It scared me and I tried desperately to figure out what was wrong and why this was happening to me. I just had a baby and I’m still nursing so I thought this might be the reason but, I could not find anything about hair loss related to nursing but, I did find several sites stating hair loss is a side effect of Mirena. I immediately emailed my doctor but, have not received a response to so I called to make an appt to have the IUD removed. The problem is my appt isn’t until November and I’m terrified by then I might be BALD! I’m not a vain person but, losing hair is something I emotionally cannot handle. I cried all weekend and I can’t sleep just thinking about it. Which I’m sure doesn’t help the situation. I’m looking into buying Ovation Cell Therapy in the mean time until I can get the IUD removed. Has anyone tried using Ovation…Has anyone had the same side effect from Mirena. When you had it removed did the hair loss stop, did your hair start to grow back? Ugh! Please help… I’m desperate and having anxiety over this.”