Does the birth control pill cause weight gain?

“Of all the potential risks associated with hormonal birth control, how is it that weight gain is the most well known side effect?”

From the comments:
”I had a Mirena IUD inserted after years of very heavy periods and palm-sized clots. I asked for ablation to help with my flow and menstrual issues. The obgyn I was referred to talked me into the IUD, also full of synthetic hormones. I am 40, have polycystic ovarian syndrome and type 2 diabetes. I had worked very hard to lose weight and had maintained it for several years…until I had my IUD inserted in December 2014. My doctor ensured me the hormones would only impact my utrerus and I believed him. Shame on me since I am a registered nurse and know better. Every chemical or drug, pill/drops/cream/insert/shot find their way to our blood stream. Obviously the hormones in the pill, shot, IUD etc run through our systems and throw things off. I am frustrated, angry, and feel misled and lied to by my health care provider. And as I gained thirty pounds over the past year and a half, doing nothing else different besides getting an IUD. I’ve actuyallt been more strict with calories and have exercised more and continue to pack on central weight, my breasts are swollon and trender, I get more migraines, have horrible cramps, and spot most of the time. After making the educated decision to have my IUD removed, then I had to nfind a doctor willing to remoive it. Really? It us my body, my uterus, get it out. I tried three times in one evening tobremoivfe out myself, with no luck. My obgyn and endocrinologist insist the hormones are only in my uterus but cannot figure out why I’ve gained so much weight. They had me track calories and exercise and then my doctor (primary) offered me a prescription for Contrave, a new weight Lois’s drug. What? I finally found a women’s health nurse practitioner who will remove my IUD next week. I hate my body, I hate how I feel, I want to once again lose weight and feel healthy. I think it is disgusting that doctors do not listen to their patients and that women are made to feel like they are crazy and lying about gaining weight because of hormonal birth control. The other funny thing I read that only birth control with estrogen causes weight gain. I think drug companies should speak to or interview actual women, not carefully chosen and paiud participants. Thank you for posting thius topic.”