Worried your IUD has wandered off? Some signs your IUD is out of place 

October 22, 2021 - IUD Alert

“Unbeknownst to many women, there is a chance that once placed, your intrauterine device (IUD) might not stay put. Some of the ways women may experience complications with movement of their IUDs are IUD expulsion, IUD migration, and uterine or organ perforation by their IUDs.  

An IUD can be expelled from the uterus entirely (expulsion), or move within the uterus itself (migration). In the process of migration, an IUD can puncture (perforate) the wall of the uterus, and even become embedded in other abdominal or pelvic organs and structures. A woman’s chances of experiencing IUD expulsion and/or perforation may be higher postpartum

Periodically, clinical case reports are published in medical journals, detailing the cases of women who have experienced perforation with their IUDs. IUDAlert hears directly from women around the world who have experienced IUD perforations. We publish their firsthand accounts so that other women can be informed about the real risks associated with IUD use. After all, it is women’s experiences that provide the “real” data in terms of how these complications truly affect the health and lives of women.   “

How do you know if your IUD has been expelled from, or perforated, your uterus?  

First and foremost, if you or your partner can no longer feel the strings of your IUD, it may be a signal that the device has moved within (or out of) the uterus.  

Other symptoms include:  

  • Pelvic pain, ranging from severe to extreme 

  • Pain in the lower abdomen 

  • Fatigue  

  • Bloating 

  • Unintended pregnancy (displaced IUDs no longer prevent a woman from pregnancy since they are no longer fully functional)  

  • Nausea or vomiting  

  • Fever or chills indicating an infection  

  • Irregular periods or heavy menstrual bleeding  

  • Rapid heartbeats 

If all of this is not enough to endure, one or more surgeries may be needed to locate and remove the device if it migrates and/or perforates the uterus or other organs.  

Uterine perforation complications  

Complications from uterine perforation, or from any surgical procedures needed to remove the IUD from the uterus or other abdominal or pelvic organs may include: 

  • Scarring of the uterus  

  • Surgical tears in the uterus  

  • Scarring and perforation of other organs in the abdominal cavity 

  • Excessive bleeding or hemorrhaging 

  • Infection  

  • Miscarriage 

  • Hysterectomy and/or infertility

“Although IUD perforation is considered a rare occurrence, it can happen. The possibility of perforation—and its warning signs—should be part of the discussion between a patient and medical professional prior to consent and insertion of these devices. “

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