This Beauty Blogger Battled Severe Acne After Getting an IUD

by Renee Jacques - Associate Digital Editor

“Carly Humbert is a beauty blogger whose weekly makeup tutorials on YouTube amass thousands of views. Her skin is her canvas—her livelihood. But shortly after getting an IUD in early 2014, she developed severe acne, and all of that was jeopardized.

As The Daily Mail reports, Humbert opted for the Mirena IUD, an intrauterine device that slowly releases birth control hormones. Before getting the Mirena, she had "oily and acne-prone skin." It wasn't something she'd have called a problem, just "pretty regular skin with a breakout here and there." But only two days after insertion (which Humbert describes as the worst pain of her life), she started to see acne. And it wasn't the manageable breakouts she usually got—this was severe, painful acne. "I was so upset and depressed about how my face looked," says Humbert. "Every day I was crying; I [couldn't] get out of bed. I looked disgusting."“