Copper intrauterine device use and HIV acquisition in women: A systematic review


Philip C Hannaford, Angeline Ti, Tsungai Chipato, Kathryn M Curtis

BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health Journal

January 2020

The collective evidence, including that from a large high-quality RCT, does not indicate an increased risk of HIV acquisition among users of Cu-IUDs. human immunodeficiency virus; intrauterine devices.

Excerpts from Abstract

To review systematically copper intrauterine device (Cu-IUD) use and HIV acquisition in women. We searched Pubmed, Embase and the Cochrane Library between database inception and 26 June 2019 for longitudinal studies comparing incident HIV infection among women using an unspecified IUD or Cu-IUD compared with non-hormonal or no contraceptive users, or hormonal contraceptive users. We extracted information from included studies, assessed study quality, and summarized study findings…….

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BMJ - Sexual & Reproductive Health Journal

Official international journal of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare


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