Could it be?! - UPDATE

“a year (despite regular excercise and eating well)... now I'm wondering if Mirena has helped me in that area too? and the SSRI withdrawal was not something I wish to go through again.  Long story short, my search led me to googling if Mirena was compatible with St. John's Wort and in a long round about way I got smacked in the face with information that Mirena is linked to depression and anxiety - and I cried.  Could this be what has ruled my life for over a year and a half?!  Could it be as simple as removing this thing that would allow me to feel like me again?!  I'm in the process of finding someone to remove it... I figure it is worth a try, my hubby is more than happy to be responsible for birth control if it means I feel better.  But I am afraid I am putting all my eggs in this basket - I am worried that it'll come out and it won't help.  So I guess this post is to see if there are any other women who have had similiar experiences and how long until after it was removed did you feel better?

Funny side note (well not funny maybe ironic?) ... when I started not feeling well back in 2009 my husband was convinced it was Mirena and I actually thought that he was ridiculous... I mean really it's hormones in my Uterus... how would it affect my brain?!  But he researched it online and didn't turn up anything and accepted that I had PPD.  I'm not sure how he didn't find anything online... maybe he spelled Mirena wrong?  But I hope in this case I will get to hear him tell me "I told you so"!”