My IUD: How I Learned To Stop Pill-Popping & Love My Cramps

By MCarpentier - Jezebel
October 26, 2007

“I'm not going to beat around the bush here — having it installed was not pleasant. Your doctor puts it in when you're on the rag because your cervix is already dilated, which is messy, and s/he "clamps" your cervix to hold it still, which I think was actually more uncomfortable than a colposcopy. Since I got one of the non-hormone varieties (the ones that release hormones last up to 5 years), I don't have to have it taken out for 10 years — and I really don't plan to have that clamp thing inside me again until completely necessary. I was supposed to be able to go back to work afterwards (and maybe I could have, if my doctor had been of the variety that uses local anesthesia), but I went home to a hot pack, some Advil and a bottle of wine.”