Coverup: Adverse Events from Hormonal Contraceptives

“JAMA, the Journal of the America Medical Association is coming under scrutiny for their recently published study which claims to have found “no adverse outcomes” of hormonal contraceptives.

Natural Womanhood, a nonprofit which touts the superior health benefits of natural family planning hosted a roundtable discussion with three doctors familiar with the risks and contraindications of hormonal contraceptives. The three experts set out to debunk the study.

The “umbrella study” Dr. Joel Brind explained, is “a meta-analysis of meta-analyses” and the authors used pretzel-like logic and cherry-picked data to draw conclusions that don’t truly reflect the studies they evaluated. Brind says women need to know, “These are synthetic drugs that act like hormones.”

Kathleen Raviele, is an OBGYN who stopped prescribing hormonal contraception 30 years ago because of the negative outcomes observed in her patients. She routinely found females suffering from abnormal bleeding, breast lumps, skin outbreaks, headaches, heart attacks, blood clots, auto-immune disorders from the contraceptives she had prescribed. She says that 45% of women discontinue use of these birth control pills due to negative side effects.

Dr. William Williams the medical doctor in the roundtable ticked off the known diseases triggered by hormonal contraceptives: breast cancer, cervical cancer, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, systemic lupus, depression, osteoporosis, heart attacks and strokes. Dr. Williams says that these are “horrific side effects” and that as an “elective medical intervention” the standards for these drugs ought to be higher. He said other drugs have been pulled off the market for much less injury. “The safety profile must be very clean to be ethical,” he added.”